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Content and Asset CDN

AWS Cloudfront and Storyblok

Storyblok leverages a global content delivery network (CDN) from AWS called CloudFront that securely delivers data to you and your viewers with low latency and at high transfer speeds.

Both our content delivery API and our assets are delivered via a CDN:

CDN of the content delivery API

For example, when you do an API call to the content delivery API from a server in Australia, Storyblok routes the first request to one of our main locations; either Europe or USA. All subsequent calls are cached in the CDN endpoint in Australia and delivered with very low latency. To invalidate the caches request, you can use a version parameter as described here.

CDN of the assets

Assets like images, videos and documents are kept in the CDN as long as possible and will rarely hit the origin server.

If you want a custom domain for your assets, we recommend using a CloudFront distribution as described here.

The CDN map image, is provided by: