This is a preview of the Storyblok Website with Draft Content

Add a headless CMS to React in 5 minutes

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

In this short tutorial, we’ll look at how we can integrate Storyblok into a React application with the help of the new @storyblok/react (opens in a new window) , the official Storyblok React SDK. We will see how we get the data from Storyblok and how we enable Storyblok Bridge (opens in a new window) to preview live changes in the Visual Editor.


You can find the final code for this tutorial in this repo.


Here are a few requirements to follow this tutorial:

Project Setup

Start by creating a new React Project.

      npx create-react-app storyblok-react-5-min-tutorial


Then install the package @storyblok/react (opens in a new window) . This is the main package needed for this tutorial.

      cd storyblok-react-5-min-tutorial
npm install @storyblok/react
# yarn add @storyblok/react

The package @storyblok/react allows us to set up everything. It helps us get the data from Storyblok, loads Storyblok Bridge (opens in a new window) for real-time visual updates, and provides us with a storyblokEditable function to link editable components to the Storyblok Visual Editor (opens in a new window) .

Once the packages are installed we can start our development server.

      npm run start
# yarn start

It should open a tab in the browser automatically with the url http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new window) , or we can manually go to the url after the project starts running. You should see this screen.

React App Landing Page

React App Landing Page

If you’re using Storyblok V2, you will need to setup the dev server with an HTTPS proxy. We will use port 3010, so the url to access the website will become https://localhost:3010/ (opens in a new window)


If you don't know how to setup an HTTPS proxy on macOS, read this guide.

Space Configuration

Now create a new space in the Storyblok App (opens in a new window) by clicking "+ Create New". Select the first option to start from scratch {1} and then give it a name {2}.

Create New Space

New Space Creation

We will get a space with sample content already created for us. After this, we need to configure our Visual Editor to get the live preview of our website. For this, go to Settings {1} > Visual Editor {2}, and set the Location (default environment) {3} to https://localhost:3010/ (opens in a new window) .

Visual Editor Location

Adding Location to Visual Editor

Now go to the Home Page from the Content section. You should already see our React app. Click on the Entry Configuration {1} and set the Real Path {2} to “/”. This will be useful later when we get the data depending upon the slug.

Visual Editor

Visual Editor

We can also see some of the components created for us on the right hand side, which we will create later in our app.

Connect React to Storyblok

Connect the React Application to Storyblok with the help of the SDK. We use two things from the package in the index.js file storyblokInit (opens in a new window) and apiPlugin (opens in a new window) . We need to add the following code to the index.js file.


import { storyblokInit, apiPlugin } from "@storyblok/react";

  accessToken: "YOUR_PREVIEW_TOKEN",
  use: [apiPlugin],
  components: {}


Setting the correct region

Depending on whether your space was created in the EU, the US, Australia, Canada, or China, you may need to set the region parameter of the API accordingly:

  • eu (default): For spaces created in the EU
  • us: For spaces created in the US
  • ap: For spaces created in Australia
  • ca: For spaces created in Canada
  • cn: For spaces created in China

Here's an example for a space created in the US:

      apiOptions: {
  region: "us",

Note: For spaces created in any region other than the EU, the region parameter must be specified.

storyblokInit allows us to set up the connection with the space and also loads the Storyblok Bridge, which helps us to see the real-time changes when editing the content. The apiPlugin here helps us get the data. If you don't want to use apiPlugin, you can use your preferred method or function to fetch your data.

We have a components key here to declare all the React components that we need to create, according to the ones we have in our space. These components are dynamically rendered with the StoryblokComponent which we will see in a bit. We need to keep the names the same at both places for it to work while creating the components.

Get the preview token and replace the value at accessToken. To do this, go to Settings {1} > Access Tokens {2}, and copy the Preview access token.

Space Access Tokens

Getting Access Token

To get data and dynamically load it, change the code of app.js to the following:

      import { useStoryblok, StoryblokComponent } from "@storyblok/react";

function App() {

  let slug =
    window.location.pathname === "/"
      ? "home"
      : window.location.pathname.replace("/", "");

  const story = useStoryblok(slug, { version: "draft" });
  if (!story || !story.content) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  return <StoryblokComponent blok={story.content} />;

export default App;

Here we use useStoryblok (opens in a new window) after getting the slug, which helps us get the new story every time we change anything in the editor. It has three parameters, the first one being the slug. The second parameter is the apiOptions where we have all of the API options for getting the data, and the third one is the bridgeOptions which is optional for configuring the bridge.

useStoryblok Params
slug*The first parameter of type string. Slug of the required story
apiOptions*The second parameter of type object, for configuring the API options.
bridgeOptionsThis is an optional parameter of type object, for customizing the bridge options.

We also see StoryblokComponent in action here. It can be used anywhere in the code to render the React components we created according to our space. We can pass the content for a story with blok prop. For this to work, it’s important to list them in storyblokInit.

In Storyblok, the content is structured as components. As we already have some components created in our space, let’s create those in our React app. This allows us to reuse the components dynamically.

Creating Components

When we create a new space, the default components are: Page, Teaser, Grid and Feature. Now create the mentioned components in our app.

In the components folder:

      import { StoryblokComponent, storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/react";
const Page = ({ blok }) => (
  <main {...storyblokEditable(blok)} className="px-4">
      ? => (
          <StoryblokComponent blok={blok} key={blok._uid} />
      : null}
export default Page;

We also use a storyblokEditable (opens in a new window) function from the SDK. It allows us to mark the react component editable in the Visual Editor. With the help of this function, we can click the components in the Visual Editor and easily edit them. Hence we will use this for all the Storyblok components.

      import { storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/react";

const Teaser = ({ blok }) => {
  return (
    <h2 className="py-32 text-6xl text-[#50b0ae] font-bold text-center" {...storyblokEditable(blok)}>

export default Teaser;
      import { StoryblokComponent, storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/react";

const Grid = ({ blok }) => {
  return (
      className="container mx-auto grid md:grid-cols-3 gap-12 my-12 place-items-center"
      { => (
        <StoryblokComponent blok={blok} key={blok._uid} />

export default Grid;
      import { storyblokEditable } from "@storyblok/react";

const Feature = ({ blok }) => (
    className="w-full p-12 bg-[#f7f6fd] rounded-[5px] text-center column feature"
    <h3 className="text-2xl text-[#1d243d] font-bold">{}</h3>

export default Feature;

Now, just add these components in storyblokInit. It should look something like this:

      import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";
import { storyblokInit, apiPlugin } from "@storyblok/react";

import Page from "./components/Page";
import Teaser from "./components/Teaser";
import Grid from "./components/Grid";
import Feature from "./components/Feature";

  accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
  use: [apiPlugin],
  components: {
    page: Page,
    teaser: Teaser,
    grid: Grid,
    feature: Feature,

  apiOptions: {
    // for spaces located in the US or China:
    // region: "us" or "cn", // you need to specify the region
    region: ''

And that’s all! You should be able to see your content in the Visual Editor, now that you’ve unlocked the power of live editing. You can start playing with the content and see live changes. It should look something like this:

Live Editing

Live Editing

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial, you saw an overview of how to create and integrate a React Application with Storyblok with the help of the official React SDK. Additionally, you learned how to use the data and enable the real-time Visual Editor.


Chakit Arora

Chakit Arora

Chakit is a Full Stack Developer based in India, he is passionate about the web and likes to be involved in the community. He is a Twitter space host, who likes to talk and write about technology. He is always excited to try out new technologies and frameworks. He works as a Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblok.

Fortune Ikechi

Fortune Ikechi

Fortune Ikechi is a Software Engineer proficient with MERN stack and lover of Golang. Fortune is passionate about community building and open source.