Distributing Field Plugins
This tutorial will guide you through the steps of distributing field plugins, allowing you to make them easily accessible for usage within Storyblok spaces.
This tutorial assumes that you have already deployed a field plugin to Storyblok. See Deploying Field Plugins .
Distributing Personal Field Plugins
The preferred way to distribute field plugins is via apps. But this requires you to have access to the partner portal.
If you do not have access to the partner portal and deployed the field plugin to your personal profile, click on My Account, Open My Plugins, find your deployed field plugin, and click Edit.
In the field plugin editor, open Settings & Details. Under Assigned Spaces, select the spaces that should have access to this field plugin.
Skip the next section.
Create a new App
Navigate to the partner portal, open the Apps menu in the sidebar, and click on New App.
Give a human friend name for your app.
For the ID field, we want to provide a string of numbers and characters that cannot be easily guessed by an authorized party, because anyone with knowledge of this field will be able to install the app.
If you have OpenSSL installed, open a terminal and generate a randomized string by running
openssl rand -hex 8
Paste the string into the ID field.
Finally, select Field-type as the App type.
Open the app, from the General tab, click on the Field-types select input. Type to search for your field plugin by its name and tick the box. Hit the Save button.
You may also want to edit the description from the App Details menu.
Install the App
Now your field plugin is ready for distribution!
Copy the link under Install Link and open it in a new tab. This will let you install the app on those spaces where you are a user.
To share the app with someone else, just send them the installation link. Note that anyone with access to this URL will be able to install the app on their space. That is why it is important to set the ID to a random string.