This is a preview of the Storyblok Website with Draft Content

Using Storyblok Algolia in Nuxt 3

In this article, I will guide you through the process of creating a DXP using Nuxt 3, Algolia, and Storyblok. But we won't just add them to our project. We will also utilize StoryblokAlgoliaIndexer using a serverless function to index Algolia with new content added to Storyblok. That will allow us to search using Algolia for content that was added via Storyblok CMS.

If you get lost at some point, here is a GitHub repository with the code from this article:

Creating a Nuxt 3 with Algolia

What is Algolia?

Algolia is a Flexible Search & Discovery Hosted API that enables developers to build next-generation apps with composable APIs, delivering relevant content in milliseconds. Algolia homepage In other words, Algolia is a very powerful search engine that works quite similar to Elastic Search allowing for fast content delivery that matches current queries.

You can read more about Algolia here

Nuxt 3 with Algolia

In this section, I will guide you step by step through the process of integrating your Nuxt 3 project with Algolia.

If you get lost at some point here a GitHub repository with the final project that you can take a look at here

Setting up a boilerplate Nuxt 3 project

Let's start with generating an empty Nuxt 3 project. We can do this by typing the following command in your terminal:

       npx nuxi init nuxt3-algolia

When you open your newly created project in your code editor you should see the following result:

Nust algolia on VS code

Now, let's install dependencies of the project:

      yarn # npm install

And start the project to see if it is working as expected:

      yarn dev # npm run dev

If everything went good, we should see the following results in our browser:

Nuxt 3 in the browser

Setup Algolia account and add data

In this step, I will just mention that at this point you should have an Algolia account and an index filled with some test data or your own data. When it will be done, make sure to save the search API key and application ID from your Algolia settings as they will be used in the next section.

For the sake of this tutorial I have generated some dummy data in Algolia for Ecommerce so my Search dashboard looks like follows:

Algolia Dashboard

When generating a new index make sure to remember this name as it will be used in the next section.

Adding Algolia to Nuxt 3

Algolia provides a very good package that allows us to integrate a JavaScript project with Algolia API. However, in this project, we will be using a Nuxt module instead because it provides similar functionality by using handy composables like useSearch, useAlgolia, etc.

First, let's install the Algolia module in our Nuxt 3 project like so:

      yarn add @nuxtjs/algolia # npm install @nuxtjs/algolia

Next, add @nuxtjs/algolia to buildModules inside nuxt.config.ts:

      import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  buildModules: [
    ['@nuxtjs/algolia', {
      apiKey: '<YOUR_SEARCH_API_KEY>',
      applicationId: '<YOUR_APPLICATION_ID>'

By adding the module to buildModules, we can automatically import composables so that you can use them in your application without the need to import them.

After that, add following script setup section in your app.vue:

      <script setup>
const { result, search } = useSearch('test_index') // pass your index as param

onMounted(async () => {
  await search({ query: 'Samsung' });

Let's discuss in more detail the code above.

  1. We are calling a useSearch composable and we pass the name of the index created in the Algolia dashboard as a parameter.
  2. We are destructuring the result property and search method from this composable.
  3. search method will be used to call algoliasearch to search for a certain query.
  4. result is a reactive computed value containing the result of the search method.
  5. We are calling a search method inside onMounted lifecycle hook asynchronously and passing a query as an object property with a value of 'Samsung'

To display the result in the browser you can add results in your template to see the actual result of the search:

    {{ result }}
    <NuxtWelcome />

As a result of this operation, you should see the following results in your browser:

Algolia result in Browser

Wow, that's a lot of data and it was delivered in milliseconds. And that's it. You have now access to data delivered by Algolia that can be used to display some results to the users in a visually acceptable form (not in raw data :D ).

Adding Storyblok to the project

In this section, we will add Storyblok CMS to our Nuxt 3 application.

Before all, let's create a .env file with tokens and keys (we will need them in the next section):


First, let's install the required dependencies:

      yarn add -D @storyblok/nuxt@next axios # npm install --save-dev @storyblok/nuxt@next axios

Next, register the module in nuxt.config.ts

      import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  build: {
    transpile: ['#app'] // Temporary workaround for issues in Storyblok module
  buildModules: [
    ['@nuxtjs/algolia', {
      apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_SEARCH_API_KEY,
      applicationId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID,
    ['@storyblok/nuxt', {
      accessToken: process.env.STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKEN

Automatic indexing of Algolia using Storyblok content

For that, we will use a storyblok-algolia-indexer package that will do the index update for us. We will only need to trigger it after updating content in Storyblok.

Let's install the storyblok-algolia-indexer first.

      yarn add storyblok-algolia-indexer # npm install storyblok-algolia-indexer

Next, create /server/api/storyblok.ts API extension (you can read more about them here ) with the following code.

      import StoryblokAlgoliaIndexer from 'storyblok-algolia-indexer';
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'

export default (_req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
  new StoryblokAlgoliaIndexer({
    algoliaAppId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID,
    algoliaApiAdminToken: process.env.ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY,
    algoliaIndexName: 'storyblok',
    storyblokContentDeliveryApiToken: process.env.STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKEN,

  res.statusCode = 200
  res.end('Algolia indexed with the data from Storyblok!')


Here is we are registering a new server/api extension that will be used to trigger the indexing process. Inside of it, we are instantiating a new StoryblokAlgoliaIndexer with all required environment variables. This will automatically call both services and update indexes accordingly. After the whole process, we are sending a status code of 200 and a message.

You can easily test if this is working by simply going http://localhost:3000/api/storyblok. After that, you should see

      Algolia indexed with the data from Storyblok! # browser
Index stored with 1 Entries. # terminal

To make it easier for future projects we could utilize the Storyblok webhooks to do the automatic index update for us.

Webhooks are the HTTP POST requests that are being sent after a certain condition is met (in Storyblok case, publish or save content). Webhooks will be sent to certain URL address so that you can use serverless functions or deploy our Nuxt 3 application to Vercel/Netlify or any other hosting service and just call this URL, i.e.

To learn more about webhooks you can go here

Here, we can also create some simple components in Storyblok like the ones below:

Storyblok components

The next step now will be to display the Algolia results. For that, let's create AlgoliaResult.vue component:

    <h2>Result from Algolia</h2>
    <p>{{ result }}</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
const { result, search } = useSearch('storyblok')
onMounted(async () => {
  await search({ query: 'Test' });

In here we are calling the useSearch composable and passing a storyblok index. Next, we will call the search method and as a query send a Test phrase (as we have two teaser components with names Test, and Test 2)

We can also create StoryblokStories.vue component that will enable to fetch stories to the app and display them accordingly:

    <h2>Stories from Storyblok</h2>
    <pre>{{ state }}</pre>

<script setup lang="ts">
const storyapi = useStoryApi();
const { data } = await storyapi.get('cdn/stories', { version: 'draft' });
const state = reactive({ stories: data.stories });

onMounted(() => {
  useStoryBridge(, story => (state.story = story));

Let's stop for a second here and explain the individual steps:

  1. We are calling useStoryApi composable
  2. We are calling the get method for the draft version of our stories and destructuring the data object from it
  3. We are creating a reactive state with the data
  4. We are calling useStoryBridge composable inside onMounted to enable reacting to events in Storyblok

Finally, let's add both components to app.vue component:

    <h1>Nuxt 3 with Storyblok CMS & Algolia Search (incl. automatic indexing)</h1>
    <algolia-result />
    <storyblok-stories />

When we switch to the browser we should see something like this:


It's not pretty I know but in this tutorial, our focus is on data fetching and modification. What you can see, is that we have two sections; Algolia and Storyblok.

  1. Result that is fetched from Algolia (that was populated after the automatic indexing using Storyblok content)
  2. Stories from Storyblok that we have created inside of the CMS


Well done! You have successfully built a Nuxt 3 application with integrations to Algolia and Storyblok (including automatic indexing). Keep in mind that this example is only the beginning of how you can integrate these tools together but this should give you a solid understanding of the core concepts.



Jakub Andrzejewski

Jakub Andrzejewski

Senior Developer @VueStorefront, Ambassador @Nuxt.js and @Storyblok. Apart from work, Technical and Recreational Diver, Mountain Hiker, occasional gamer, and a huge fan of Lego and Transformers.