Integrate Storyblok into your Remix application
Learn how to develop your own Remix applications that use the official Storyblok React SDK to retrieve and manage content.
Remix in 5 minutes
Too busy to start from scratch, but excited to start learning how to use Remix with Storyblok?
Read about the impact of internationalization, how to approach it with Remix, and how to manage it more conveniently using Storyblok.
Your learning journey with Storyblok starts here
Helpful resources
Basic topics
Perfect for anyone just getting started.
Introduction to Remix
If you are new to Remix, the official documentation is a great place to start.
Connect Remix and Storyblok
Learn how to retrieve and display data from the Storyblok API in Remix, and enable the live editing experience inside the Storyblok Visual Editor.
Remix Your UI & UX to Another Level
See together the combination of the new generation of a full-stack framework, Remix, and a visual editor integrated headless CMS, Storyblok.
Advanced topics
Learn more about integrating Storyblok in your Remix projects.
How to create a global search with Remix and Storyblok
Simple steps to creating a global search feature for your blog using the powerful tools of Remix and Storyblok.
Let 70%+ of the users in the world to access your apps
This talk will show you more surprising facts about internationalization and what are scalable approaches using Remix & Storyblok.
Your Personal Remix
Let's talk about personalization, the benefits, the challenges, and how we can manage and offer personalized experiences in our Remix projects.
Add a GraphQL enabled Headless CMS to your Remix app
With the Storyblok GraphQL API, we can leverage the speed and efficiency of both Remix and GraphQL to build an efficient and dynamic application powered by Storyblok.
Find answers to common questions about Storyblok and Remix.
How to set up HTTPS on macOS
Learn how to set up an HTTPS proxy for your development server on macOS, making it compatible with Storyblok Visual Editor.
How to set up HTTPS on Windows
Learn how to set up an HTTPS proxy for your development server on Windows, making it compatible with Storyblok Visual Editor.
Tool & Plugins
From developers for developers, extend and add functionalities to your Storyblok project.
Made with Storyblok
and Remix
With customers in nearly every industry and country, Storyblok helps thousands of people to manage their content.