Recap: CityJS Conference
Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.
Storyblok joined CityJS Conference for the first time as sponsor this year. As it is a community conference run by four different JavaScript groups in London (London JS Community (opens in a new window) , JS Monthly (opens in a new window) , Halfstack (opens in a new window) , and Node User Group (opens in a new window) ) is was an easy decision to support this event. And this innovative group of people did not disappoint, they came up with a wonderful lineup and three days packed with super interesting talks.
The Venue
But not only the talks were spot on. This was the first event I have attended using Gather (opens in a new window) . Gather provides a virtual venue - yes you heard correctly - a virtual venue, including the main stage, cafe, garden, and an expo area. The look and feel is a mixture between Pokemon and Among Us and it allows the participant to view videos, read leaflets and interact with other conference attendees. Interaction at that venue went as far as being able to have an instant video call when being in the vicinity of another user. To me, it felt like one of the best experiences to make up for missing personal interactions at virtual events.
Alba Silvente Fuentes: Back to Full Static using Nuxt and Storyblok
Alba is one of our most active ambassadors and she gave an amazing talk about how to generate fully static sites with NuxtJS as a static generator and of course Storyblok as a headless CMS. Thank you!
Description: Today we are in a new era, where a static website no longer involves manual changes for each page to maintain its performance benefits. Jamstack is our friend and I'm here to tell you how combining a static generator, as Nuxt, with a HeadlessCMS, as Storyblok, we will get the perfect cocktail.
Gleb Bahmutov: TDD: Test-Driven Documentation
Since we are constantly trying to improve our own documentation as well we were eager to learn more from Gleb about how they handle documentation at Cypress.
Description: If you are working on the web application, and try to document it for the users, what do you do? Do you copy/paste screenshots into the docs? Does your documentation slowly diverge from the application? What if there was a better way? In this talk, I will show how to use the tests to document the web-application behavior, ensuring the docs are always correct.
Samuel Snopko: Going headless - from zero to Next.js hero
Make sure to also watch Samuel's talk on how to use Storyblok as the CMS for a Next.js application. While doing so he is also explaining components and will use TailwindCSS for styling and all of that at a breathtaking speed.
Description: This talk will cover the setup of the Next.js project with Storyblok & TailwindCSS from the beginning to the point of deployment to Vercel. We will create a simple personal blog, configure various components for it, and explain what “Component Driven Content” is. Developers will experience how to create a Jamstack project using Next.js, Storyblok, TailwindCSS, and Vercel. The content editors and managers will learn why the Real-time Visual Editor is the key feature of any CMS! The pace will be fast, so don't get furious when you learn how easy it is to deploy a live site with headless technologies.