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New integration with Crowdin localization software

Laura Gavrilă

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

Seamless collaboration, which fosters growth and longevity, between tools is more and more the reality of the tech industry.
The key component of an API-first CMS, like Storyblok, is that it enables organizations to take a best-of-breed approach, and the interoperability they provide can be used to create a best-of-breed DXP.
Storyblok was built with a robust and flexible plugin system to give our customers the power to extend Storyblok with custom applications or fields. Our customers aren’t the only ones benefiting from this feature. We have a number of technology partners and third-party integrations.

One such integration was developed and launched at the end of last year by Crowdin . They currently have almost 200 integrations with different tools and they developed a Storyblok integration at users’ request.

Storyblok is one of the integrations that was driven by customers requesting it. Typically, people first localize their product, and then they are looking for a way to translate other customer-facing content. With integrations like Crowdin+Storyblok people can automate source and translated content updates to focus on other tasks at hand.

Let’s dive in and see how this integration works and what it does.

Who is Crowdin

With a history of 12 years, Crowdin is a cloud-based agile localization technology and services company. What differentiates Crowdin from other localization SaaS providers is that they are aware of all content repositories a software might have. They offer multilingual businesses the possibility to localize not only their content but also the product itself.
In a nutshell, you make your products multilingual all in one place and stay agile.

How does Crowdin work?

You can localize any type of content with Crowdin, be it mobile, web, or desktop apps, games, landing pages, help and blog articles, email campaigns, or creative assets.
After choosing the content repository you want to translate you can start translating right away or use a workflow to define the content flow and automate some steps, like MT pre-translation. Each workflow consists of configurable steps that your project’s content should go through in a specified order. Workflow steps can include things like source text review, translation by a vendor, proofreading by an internal team, pre-translation by translation memory.
You also have the possibility to grant or restrict access to specific projects, workflow steps, or localization resources.
When it comes to translating you can choose your own translation strategy. For example, you can use machine translation services as a first step and then have a translator validate the suggestions. You can also invite your in-house translators or your current LSP. If you don't have a translation team - you can choose a translation agency from their marketplace.
After the translations are done, the final step is to synchronize the files with your content repository.

How does Crowdin integrate with Storyblok

With the Storyblok app developed by Crowdin you can localize every type of content created with Storyblok, including websites, mobile apps, customer support content, e-commerce, and more.
In order to use it, you navigate in your Crowdin Marketplace to Storyblok and install it. Afterwards you will be able to manually or automatically sync your Storyblok spaces, set-up your workflow, choose files for translations and sync back to Storyblok the translated files.

Localization in Storyblok

Storyblok supports content in multiple languages and integrates with various tools to manage translations. We don’t charge extra for internationalization of your content. We know that a project can grow quite fast and we want to help our customers reach new markets.
There are two main options for managing multi-language and multi-country content in Storyblok. Different use cases require different approaches which is why we offer field level translation and folder level translation.
Field level translation is a good choice if the structure of your content in a different language is the same as in your default language.
Folder level translation is preferable when the content for different languages is managed by separate teams or your project is structured differently for each market.

However, please be aware that Crowdin only supports field-level translation at the time.


At Storyblok we foster a mindset of collaboration and the creation of effective and functional technology threads. It is a vote of confidence and encouragement to see that other technology companies follow the same principles and help us bridge the digital gap for our customers.