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mediawave - Leading Value Driven Transformations

Tarek El Deeb

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

The past two years have been quite chaotic and transformative due to the nature of the novel coronavirus and how it affected the world, across both global and digital landscapes. eCommerce has had to adapt to the new ‘quality-of-life’ changes, with more and more people working remotely, and shopping online rather than in person. Think of it as the modern day ‘sink-or-swim’ - either your eCommerce shifts and develops to accommodate the global changes and swim to success, or stay in the past and sink to the depths.

mediawave , a strategic partner and web development agency based in München, Germany have been spearheading ‘Value Driven Transformations’ for their clients, helping them create data-driven value to become digital champions. By consulting multiple best of breed eCommerce solutions, and using pre-integrated solutions, they are able to create ‘Composable Commerce’ - simple commerce solutions with reduced integration efforts, perfect for their clients requirements. They focus on scalable headless commerce & frontend technologies such as Vue.js or React, following the principles of Composable Commerce, with their core commerce technologies (Spryker, Magento & Shopware) being the core of their ecosystem.

A Value Driven Transformer

mediawave, founded in 1998, has been transforming digital experiences and improving lives by bringing value to their clients, even when facing times of constant change, like the last couple of years. They believe in helping their customers in the long term to successfully solve the ever-changing challenges of experience transformation. By having a user-focused mindset, they heavily focus on solutions that are holistically thought-out and value-driven, with important success factors being fast go-to-market solutions through continuous agile, sustainable and scalable delivery - setting the stage for their ultimate goal of being a ‘Value Driven Transformer.”

Concurrently, mediawave has noticed that companies with ambitious digital business models need agile solutions and quick delivery times, as well as the ability to manage and optimize their digital customer experiences on multiple touchpoints. Which in turn, has shifted the model to scalable teams with high velocity and the lowest possible number of dependencies. However, many companies are extremely limited due to their current monolithic systems, which makes it increasingly difficult to meet changing market conditions and customer needs. What mediawave recommends is replatforming by analyzing the company’s digital commerce maturity and creating a tailored target architecture with market-leading commerce solutions.

“Ambitious eCommerce companies are increasingly using innovative frameworks such as React or VueJS to implement single-page applications and progressive web apps that pay close attention to the mobile experience and are completely decoupled from the backend systems” - Alexander Damm, Director of Digital Strategy & Innovation Consulting at mediawave

Composable Commerce with Storyblok

mediawave invested quite a bit of time evaluating various different Headless CMS technologies in order to compliment their best-of-breed ‘Composable Commerce’ approach in the best way possible. It was also very important for them as an organization to select a partner they could work closely with in the DACH region, and also has a strong ecosystem - and thus began mediawave’s journey with Storyblok.

Storyblok was exactly what mediawave was looking for for several reasons. To start, marketers are provided with a user interface and work environment that is optimized for their work so they can create and collaborate efficiently as a team. In effect, this helped streamline the processes of creating a tailor-made digital experience. Secondly, Storyblok’s front-end technology-agnostic approach enabled mediwave’s development teams to create with as much freedom as they needed.

“With Storyblok, an eCommerce customer has a full Headless architecture where we have both a CMS component and a Commerce backend component, working together and serving a decoupled frontend with the respective content and services. This means that we have the possibility to provide the content editors with an environment optimised for them, and allow them to manage content in a team.” - Alexander Damm, Director of Digital Strategy & Innovation Consulting at mediawave

Partner of the Month

mediawave is making breakthroughs with their Composable Commerce model, focusing on holistic solutions that fit their client’s needs perfectly. We’re delighted to announce mediawave as our December Partner of the Month, celebrating their innovative approach to eCommerce. Learn more about mediawave and their digital transformations, watch this OMR Masterclass hosted by Alexander Damm from mediawave and Storyblok’s own Sebastian Gierlinger, or their CMS Powered Commerce webinar.