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How does our product support your Agency?

Jamie Laing
Try Storyblok

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

What makes a SaaS company successful? Product strategy? Market fit? Innovation? People? The Partners? The truth is, success tends to strike when all of these factors click into place. Despite this, for many SaaS offerings the partner piece remains to be elusive.

Digital Agencies are to the SaaS world what mountain guides are to aspiring mountain climbers. They both have a mastery for the lay of the land, experts at navigating their clients through potential pitfalls. They have a reputation that precedes them and although going alone is doable, the risk of failure goes up, steeply.

Here at Storyblok we not only offer a partner package loaded with perks; revenue share, team licenses, free spaces, co-marketing funds, app marketplace development, dedicated partner team and many, many more! But we strongly believe that your agency can benefit in numerous other ways from working with us. Let’s take a look into some of this!

Your developers. Our audience

You no longer have to choose your CMS offering based on the tech stack of your team. Svelte, React, VueJS, Nuxt, you get the picture.. Our SDKs make connecting to our APIs a complete breeze, you’ll have your ducks aligned in a couple of lines of code. If you do hit a blocker, reach out to our awesome DevRel team, a team that is packed with quality developers all producing content and supporting you across multiple channels like Discord, Github, Youtube and social. What are you waiting for?

We know you’ve been there, Sprint review #4 and the room is full of your key stakeholders. Hayley from the HR department requests you to demo how she will enter job posts and publish them to the website. OK, on this monolith CMS you enter the content and hit publish, the page takes an excruciating amount of time to load. As sweat runs from your brow the request bounces between the server and the web client. The stakeholders begin to get cold feet. There must be a better way to do this. Step in Storyblok, our Headless CMS gives you the opportunity to build lightning fast web applications that will impress your customers. By separating the front end layer and pre-loading static web components you should no longer have to worry about that loading circle of doom.

Great, now the sprint review is over you can breathe a sigh of relief. It’s 8pm on a Sunday night and you pack your things for the Monday ahead, your Product Owner phones you slightly out of breath. “Look I hate to do this, but there has been an emergency security patch released.. We cannot wait.. the customer has vulnerable data” You have no choice but to spend hours uploading the patch and fixing each of the items it breaks. Forget this, Storyblok frees your developers so they no longer have to occupy themselves with this worry. We handle the updates, the result of this is that your customers remain on the latest secure version of our platform at all times. Let’s not forget that you can also brag to your customers about our ISO 27001 certification!

Supporting your customers content team

The customer (content team) is king in the world of CMS and can truly make or break both the success of your implementation and the longevity of the platform adoption. A poor experience here weighs heavy on an organization and will reduce the chance of repeat business. The content team is a first thought in our world such that we have developed a, unique to the industry, visual editing platform. Your customers will see exactly what they are building in real time before they publish it to the web. They will love it, don't believe us? Check it out for yourself on our free trial now.

We know how frustrating it can be when your developers get pulled into so many questions about how the platform functions and how their teams are going to collaborate on their content production. You’ll be glad to hear that building an intuitive pick up and play platform is central to our philosophy. Your customer should be able to pick up the keys to the platform and start working in a matter of hours. No more expensive training. Out of the box they also get to collaborate by chat within the platform itself! Less window switching, greater focus on the tasks at hand. Best bit about all of this? A lighter load on your team.

Transparent pricing structure

Our pricing structure is fully transparent and adapted to the needs of your customers. You should never have to deal with sending your customers to a product where pricing can only be revealed over discussions. Our self service plans are fantastic options for small teams and we have subscriptions for community, entry, and teams which have tiered features detailed on our pricing page.

The truth is that as an agency, you hold the biggest opportunity in guiding our enterprise customers to the greatest return on their investment. Our out of the box enterprise plan comes with a lot of the features they will need unlimited. But this of course can be further adapted if your customers need additional data centers or features such as SSO. Let’s work together on a strategy that makes sense for your customers.

Our success is mutual

We get the immense value partners bring to the table, and we want to do this together. Our platform is built with your team in mind and not only that of our customers. We also take your feedback seriously and use it to improve continuously. So, what do you say? Let’s grab a coffee and look at our new partnership.