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Headless CMS for fintech businesses - Finding the right technology

Kaya Ismail

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

Fintech companies represent a modern approach to financial services, facilitating easier international money transfers, processing digital payments, and more. The Digital Payments segment alone is expected to grow to 4,929.55m users by 2025 , according to data from Statista. These companies need a way to manage their content that embraces similarly modern technologies, and a headless CMS can solve numerous pain points for these businesses.

What is a headless CMS?

A headless CMS works differently from the traditional CMS that most fintech businesses may be accustomed to. A traditional CMS is based on rigid legacy architecture where both frontend and backend systems are coupled together in a single solution. This worked perfectly when the only place content needed to go was a website.

On the other hand, a headless CMS separates the frontend presentation layer from the backend architecture, effectively removing the head. Content and data are stored and managed in the backend, which is connected to different frontend channels using APIs. The result is that content can be published to any channel, from a website to a mobile device, digital kiosk, or somewhere else.

A simple illustration showing the differences between traditional and headless CMS - The same information is given as a table below.

Traditional CMS vs Headless CMS

Do you need a headless CMS for your fintech business?

Legacy infrastructure has been the gold standard for several years in the financial world, especially in banks and other older financial institutions. Fintech companies have been the catalysts behind digital transformation throughout the industry, but given that these companies are typically smaller startups, the question is, do they need a headless CMS?

Traditional CMS vs Headless CMS
Traditional CMSHeadless CMS
SynonymLegacy CMSAPI-first CMS
HostingUsually self-hostedSaaS with self-hosting options
ChannelsOne channelMultiple Channels
Content modelSingular useReusable content

The answer is, not necessarily but it helps. By looking at the table above, you can see that a traditional CMS is great for publishing content to a website. Still, fintech companies, in particular, are known for mobile applications and other channels that enable users to access their money and make transactions. A headless CMS facilitates content publishing to these channels and more.

So your business can continue using a traditional CMS like WordPress or Drupal, but the added capabilities you can achieve using a headless CMS cannot be ignored.

Benefits of a headless CMS for fintech companies

Fintech companies have grown due to changing consumer behaviors, such as the fact that 99% of Gen Z and 98% of millennials use a mobile banking app for various tasks. As consumer behaviors continue to change, fintech companies must adapt their marketing approaches to keep up with demand.

While legacy CMS platforms were sufficient to handle content delivery to just a website, consumer behaviors mean that fintech companies could benefit from adopting a headless CMS. Here are some ways:

Localized marketing

Different regions approach fintech in different ways, and that means that fintech companies need to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. From translations to cultural nuances, a headless CMS can help fintech companies localize their marketing campaigns so that customers in different countries and regions are kept happy.

Omnichannel support

A headless CMS facilitates omnichannel content delivery, meaning that content is stored and managed in the backend and then gets pushed to any channel using APIs. This is essential for fintech companies that leverage mobile applications and other digital platforms.

Software integrations

Content isn’t the only thing that fintech companies need to manage. A CRM for storing customer information and analytics software for seeing where consumer traffic is coming from are just some of the other software tools a company may need. A headless CMS leverages APIs to connect to these disparate systems with ease.

Enhanced security features

Security is a crucial requirement for fintech companies. A headless CMS features enterprise-grade security, including single sign-on (SSO), access control, and several other ways to keep customer and employee data secure.

Framework agnosticism

With a number of different channels, developers need to choose the types of frameworks that best fit their needs. A headless CMS provides framework agnosticism so that developers can create engaging frontends, no matter the channel where content gets published.

##What can be built with a headless CMS With a headless CMS, the sky’s the limit for fintech companies. Here are some of the things you can build with one.

  • Websites: Build websites using various popular frontend frameworks and approaches such as Jamstack.
  • Mobile apps: Create easy-to-use mobile apps that customers can use on the go.
  • SPAs and PWAs: A headless CMS makes it easy to build single-page applications (SPAs) and progressive web applications (PWAs) that fit the modern digital landscape.
  • IoT and voice assistants: Launch voice assistants and content on internet-connected devices that provide additional options for customers to check their accounts make transactions, and more.

Fintech companies leveraging a headless CMS

For fintech companies, a headless CMS can provide several advantages and a new lease on life from the restrictive legacy CMS platforms. Here are some organizations that have adopted a headless CMS for their business:

Payment solutions company PAYONE needed a new corporate website to provide them with flexibility and give their customers freedom to move as they please. Leveraging a headless CMS, they were able to give their editors more control over design while developers used powerful frameworks such as Vue.js.

Unzer is a platform for international payment transactions. A headless CMS enabled them to launch a new website that matched their innovation across multiple channels, including online, mobile, and point of sale.

Storyblok: Headless CMS for fintech

For fintech companies having the right technology support to build effective marketing campaigns is essential. Storyblok is a headless CMS that provides the innovative features that fintech companies need to create dynamic digital experiences.

  • An easy-to-use Visual Editor for your marketers and editors.
  • APIs that focus on performance, whether delivering content or integrating with other tools.
  • Nested components without any limits.
  • And content and Asset CDN for global content delivery.

These are just a few of the features that fintech organizations need. Now’s the best time to trial Storyblok. Sign up for a free account here or contact our sales team for a personal meeting.