To export or import translatable versions of your story, you need to use the Storyblok Management API . Your block and field must have the “translatable” option enabled for the import to work.
Export Stories as XML To export a story, you need your story ID
and the ID
of the space you want to export stories from. Then, you can make a GET
request. Also, make sure you add Authorization
to the header with your personal 0auth access token as the value.
Resource Information Endpoint
Method GET
Header Authorization:YOUR_0AUTH_TOKEN
Example Request Copy to clipboard
Example Request Copy to clipboard
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN",
const spaceId = 134445;
const storyId = 86930141;
const langCode = "language_code";
const exportStoriesXml = async () => {
try {
const response = await Storyblok.get(`spaces/${spaceId}/stories/${storyId}/export.xml?lang_code=${langCode}&export_lang=true`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
Resource Information Endpoint
Method GET
Header Authorization: YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN
Example Request Copy to clipboard
Example Request Copy to clipboard
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN",
const spaceId = 134445;
const storyId = 86930141;
const langCode = "language_code";
const exportStories = async () => {
try {
const response = await Storyblok.get(`spaces/${spaceId}/stories/${storyId}/export.json?lang_code=${langCode}&export_lang=true`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
hint: You can find your 0Auth token in your Storyblok user account dashboard. You can also see our documentation for language code .
Importing Stories You can either import stories as XML or JSON. To do this, just like when exporting stories, you need your story ID
and the ID
of the space
, you want to import the story into. Since you’ll be updating your space, you need to make a PUT
request and add Authorization
to the header with your personal 0auth access token as the value. The body of the request should then contain the story you want to import in this format {"data": YOUR_STRINGIFIED_IMPORT_STORY}
. It's important to note that imported stories can only be in JSON or XML format.
NOTE: The data you’re importing must be a string. Whether it’s in XML or JSON format.
Resource Information Endpoint
Method PUT
Header Authorization: YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN
Example Request Copy to clipboard
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN",
const spaceId = 134445;
const storyId = 86930141;
const xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page text_nodes="0" filename="building-a-food-store" url="posts/building-a-food-store" id="86930141" language="default">
<name>Building a phone store</name>
<tag id="69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:image" type="STRING">
<tag id="69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:intro" type="STRING">
<![CDATA[phone stores are important for mankind]]>
<tag id="69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:title" type="STRING">
<![CDATA[Building a phone store]]>
<tag id="69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:author" type="STRING">
<tag id="69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:richtext:long_text" type="STRING">
<![CDATA[{"type":"doc","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"this is a phone store ","type":"text"}]}]}]]>
const importXmlStory = async () => {
try {
const response = await Storyblok.put(`spaces/${spaceId}/stories/${storyId}/import.xml`, {
data: xml
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
Resource Information Endpoint
Method PUT
Header Authorization:YOUR_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN
Example request Copy to clipboard
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN",
const spaceId = 134445;
const pageId = 86930141;
const authToken = "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN";
const json = {
"69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:author": "cd9f7534-b437-4d3f-b23d-022f464f4cf3",
"69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:image": "//",
"69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:intro": "iphone stores are important for mankind",
"69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:richtext:long_text": '{"type":"doc","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"this is an iPhone store ","type":"text"}]}]}',
"69c9f9dd-b5e5-4859-a5ee-0bf8a1319c8e:Post:title": "Building an iPhone store",
language: "default",
page: `${pageId}`,
text_nodes: 0,
url: "posts/building-an-iphone-store",
const importStory = async () => {
try {
const response = await Storyblok.put(`spaces/${spaceId}/stories/${pageId}/import.json`, {
data: JSON.stringify(json),
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
HINT: An easy way to check if the story update has worked is to access the same story in the Visual Editor and reload the page.
Parameters for the specific language To export/import your story in specific languages already added to your space, add the optional param ?lang_code=language_code
to the endpoint.
NOTE: You can easily import and export translatable fields of your stories using the import translatable fields and export translatable fields apps respectively. The app is available in the Business plan or superior.
Request with version=2
In version one, the page:richtext
response was stringified, requiring JSON.parse
for processing. In version two, it is exported directly as a text value. This version also preserves the structure of blocks within rich text, including nested blocks, making it especially useful for translation scenarios.
Resource Information Endpoint
Method GET
Header Authorization: YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN
Response Example with version=2 Query Parameter Copy to clipboard
'Dummy text content',
'This is a hint component',
'i-19d10cb3-3884-45bf-a1c4-5f27e852d636:dp_hint:color': 'green',
'This is a hint component',
'6fae1c25-6c32-4268-8d52-173e8ca4996a:dp_page:og_title': '',
page: '592234781',
language: 'default',
url: 'docs/plugins/tool-plugins',
text_nodes: 0,
Resource Information Endpoint
Method PUT
Header Authorization:YOUR_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN
Body {"data": YOUR_V2_IMPORT_DATA}
Example request Copy to clipboard
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN",
const spaceId = 134445;
const pageId = 86930141;
const authToken = "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN";
const v2Data = {
'Dummy text content',
'This is a hint component',
'i-19d10cb3-3884-45bf-a1c4-5f27e852d636:dp_hint:color': 'green',
'This is a hint component',
'6fae1c25-6c32-4268-8d52-173e8ca4996a:dp_page:og_title': '',
page: `${pageId}`,
language: 'default',
url: 'docs/plugins/tool-plugins',
text_nodes: 0,
const importStory = async () => {
try {
const response = await Storyblok.put(`spaces/${spaceId}/stories/${pageId}/import.json`, {
data: v2Data,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);