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Wexl Arena Logo Macherjek Logo

Wexl Arena

The Wexl Arena is a family fun park located in St. Corona, Lower Austria. The park offers a lot of attractions for kids and families like a motor skills park, summer tobogganing, mini bike park, hiking trails, ski slopes, etc., and is also the home of the Wexl Trails - a downhill and enduro bike park for adults and kids. The project goal was a complete redesign and relaunch of the two websites. As the Wexl Arena has a lot of international visitors it was crucial to offer multilingual content. As the website is quite comprehensive a seamless and lightning-fast experience was key. Another requirement was to offer a single point of truth for all pricing data for the Wexl Arena and Wexl Trails websites which was solved using the Storyblok data sources feature. The result is a fast, good-looking and fun-to-use website for all ages.

  • Storyblok CMS
  • Nuxt Framework
  • Vercel Hosting
Wexl Arena Screenshot