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Storyblok GmbH
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Create a seamless connection between Storyblok and your Shopware platform.

Shopware offers a holistic omnichannel digital commerce platform for sophisticated mid-market and lower enterprise merchants, with high flexibility and various options for B2C, D2C, B2B, as well as service-based use cases.

The dedicated Shopware field plugin enables a seamless integration between your Shopware e-commerce platform and your content within Storyblok.

This integration ensures a uniform shopping experience for your customers, regardless of the platform they use to engage with your products. By combining the strengths of Shopware with Storyblok, this integration enhances the overall performance of your online presence.

How to set up

In the block library, select a block to edit. Add a new field, set the Field Type to Plugin, and set the Custom Type to sb-shopware in case your instance is using Shopware API v3 otherwise select sb-shopware64.

Configure options for sb-shopware-64:

Configure options for sb-shopware (legacy):

Configure additional shared options (these apply to both Shopware versions):

  • limit (optional): The maximum number of selected items.
  • selectOnly (optional): Provide the value product to disable the category tab, so that the users only can select products. Provide the value category to disable the product catalog tab, so that users only can select categories.

For more detailed guidance refer to Storyblok's Shopware Setup Guide